As a producer at Al Jazeera (Fault Lines, The Stream, People and Power), Vice News and TRT World, David managed crews in the studio and in the field, from Iraq to Washington DC. He brought investigative pieces from conception to completion and broke stories about the US military’s role in supporting militias that killed and displaced Iraqi civilians. He has covered prison issues from Texas to Guantanamo and reported live from riots in Baltimore.
The Detention Imperative
Iraq divided: The fight against ISIL
Fault Lines - Libya: State of Insecurity
Beyond the Wall: Inside Sadr City
Re-Awakening: America's tribal strategy in Iraq
First Night of Baltimore's Curfew: State of Emergency - Baltimore, Maryland (Dispatch 1)
Guantanamo Forever?
The 'World' Bank | Bigger Than Five
The Business of War | Bigger Than Five
Immigration: The politics of fear | Bigger Than Five
The Stream - What is the future for Sykes-Picot?